Chemical Properties of Amines
Chemical Properties of Amines: Overview
In this topic, we will discuss the chemical properties of amines. It also deals with different uses and types of amines.
Important Questions on Chemical Properties of Amines
Write the structures of reagents/organic compounds (A to F) in the given sequence of reactions:

Ethanamine can be converted into nitroethane by _____.

The reagent used for the conversion of amine into nitro compound is _____.

Write the reaction of conversion of amine into nitro compounds.

Convert ethanamine to nitroethane.

How will you convert amines into aromatic amides?

Aniline gives _____ carbylamine test.

Aniline does not give carbylamine test.

In the above reaction direct bromination of aniline is not done as we get a tribromo product. It is because amine group is highly _____ activating.

Arenium ion involved in the bromination of aniline is _____.

The product of the following reaction is _____.

Which of the following species are involved in the carbylamine test?

How to convert aniline into Sulphanilic acid?

How to convert-aniline to 4-Nitroaniline.

How to convert - aniline to 2,4,6-tribromofluorobenzene.

How to convert-aniline into 1,3,5 — Tribromobenzene?

How will you convert aniline into 4-Bromoaniline.

What is the action of following reagents on aniline-Chloroform and alcoholic .

What is the action of the reagents on aniline-Acetic anhydride.